market centered product innovation – easy with PROMARES® Navigator!

  • Product development is expensive and risky. Detect and understand market needs and customer expectations in the early phases of your innovation process.
  • With PROMARES® Navigator you are able to manage your projects from idea to market release.
  • Can you name your competitive advantage? Turn your core competences into value for your customers. Therefore we developed the COMP.A.S.S. process.
  • COMP.A.S.S. is the strategy process turning technology driven product (technology push) innovations into market success.
  • Based on technological core competences (know-how, intellectual property, key resources, organizational specifity) we describe competitive advantages, value proposition and options for competitive isolation.
  • Ideas and concepts for new products and business models can be developed, the opportunity-risik profile could be evaluated efficiently, even in the idea phase.

from idea to project – COMP.A.S.S. and the magic triangle of business success